The starting line

The world does not need another blog.

I do not need to run another half-marathon.

However …

I feel fat.  I feel like I’ve lost my running mojo (given that I’m not running).  I feel like I’ve lost my writing mojo (given that I’m not really writing anything).

A friend asked me the other day if I was still running. I had to stop and thing when the last time I was actually, you know, running.  I guess it was the beginning of Ptown last summer, when I had ALL the intentions of training for the fall 10Ks that waited for me when I came home to Barcelona.

All those intentions.  None of those finish lines.

So here it is, the end of the year and I’m thinking of starting back to the running thing … because spinning and padel don’t seem to be keeping the belly away, and portion control is just, well, silly.  Plus, I hate New Year’s resolutions, so it’s good to get into new (old) habits before everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

For now, all I’ll commit to is to try to stick to a modified version of the plan for the next few weeks. It’s a 12-week plan, and I’ll have to start with week 3, so that’s not great.  Vamos a ver.

When I get come home from Andalusia after the holidays, I’ll decide if I’m actually going to sign up for the race.

35 minutes on the treadmill today.  A bit of a warm up then intervals at a 2’10” pace (which is ridiculous, given that  I ran last years at 2’16” and haven’t really done anything since of note since the middle of summer.

It’s 62 days away.

So much can happen between now and then.

Away we go.

Questions, comments, doubts?

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